
Received material 08/16/2024


Author A.V., Author V.G.
Organization, City, Country, e-mail

Conference materials (up to 3 pages) can be submitted in Russian or English.

The page size is A4 format. The text should be typed in the Microsoft Office Word text editor using Times New Roman, font size 12 pts, single spaced. The pages are not numbered.

The use of signs of forced line breaks, pages, paragraphs, automatic lists, footnotes is not allowed. Formulas are typed using the Equation Editor in Word. Tables and figure/visual representations must be inserted into the text. A list of references (if necessary) is given at the end of the text. Acknowledgments and grant numbers may be provided.

Please pay attention to the content, writing style, spelling, punctuation and the list of references.

The authors are solely responsible for the content of the material provided.

The paper should be sent as a Word and a PDF email attachment to mfpa2024@itanas.by

Download DOC file

Material submission deadline is July 01, 2024.

The paper sent later can only be included in the electronic electronic version of the conference materials.

Sending the data and materials, the author gives his full irrevocable agreement with the terms of design, acceptance of materials, their publication and posting on the websites of ITA NAS of Belarus, Scientific Electronic Library eLIBRARY, and in the open press.

The author submitting the registration form and paper should receive a confirmation email from the Secretariat within two working days. Please, contact the Secretariat if you submit a paper and do not receive confirmation that it has been received.

The Conference proceedings will be included in the Scientific Electronic Library.